
How to Choose Between Tu and Vous in French ?

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When learning a new language, one of the first things you have to decide is whether to use tu or vous. Both forms are correct, but they have different functions. Tu is used when talking to someone who is younger than you, someone of lower status, or someone you are familiar with. Vous is used when talking to someone who is older than you, someone of higher status, or a stranger.

So how do you choose which one to use? The best way to learn is to listen carefully to how native speakers use tu and vous in different situations. 


In this video, we learn the difference between tu and vous in French. Tu is used as a familiar form of “you”, while vous is used when speaking to someone who is not familiar. We also learn some tips on how to use these forms correctly in conversation. To see more examples and hear the difference between tu and vous, be sure to watch the video!



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